When they denied my UK Visa in 2008, I knew my only option was to come home 🙁
I’d just spend the last 3 years travelling Europe working as surf instructor, where I’d been able to build a wealth of pleasant memories and stories, but sweet FA money. So, when I arrived into Adelaide I was feeling depressed – knowing I’d have to live with my parents again…
Luckily for me, a friend helped me get some labouring work and I was able to save $1250 to buy my first campervan ‘Blue Bessy’. She was an old light blue Toyota HiAce with a cupboard & chair in the middle and mattress in the back. To anyone else the van was a shitbox, but to me she was the best thing in the world and my most expensive possession.
Old Blue Bessy and I travelled up to Darwin for the dry season to work and save money for my next adventure to Nth & Sth America.
After 3.5 months of working I was able to save around $12,000, which was enough for an 8 month trip. So, I put ‘Blue Bess I’ up for sale, said goodbye the old girl & promised myself to buy another campervan when I came back to Australia to settle.
This is how ‘Old Blue Bess II’ came into my life J
My ex girlfriend & I drove from Adelaide to Rainbow Beach in 2012, where we planned on settling. But unfortunately, things didn’t go to plan. Lucie moved back to Europe & I moved to Indonesia to start my own business, which left Blue Bessy sitting for a couple of years uncared for, unloved & unappreciated.
Which leads us to here…
Since returning from Indonesia, Blue Bess II has been my saviour. Every weekend I drive 2 hours down the coast to attend farmers markets on the Sunshine Coast. I usually park up in the carpark of the School carpark & footy oval. I’ve dedicated nearly every Friday & Saturday night for the past 2 years to grow my little herbal business & serve my lovely customers.
Without Old Bess I’d have to wake up at 2am to drive down, work the markets, then drive back to Rainbow (arriving around 3pm), which isn’t safe or sustainable…
So, now I feel it’s my obligation to show ‘Blue Bess II’ my appreciation. I’m going to show her a bit of love by renovating, refurbishing, restoring my campervan & document the process, so you can share in our journey.
This video is my 1st attempt – Fridge Gone.
I removed the original 3-way (gas, 12V & 240V) fridge because the gas would often go out overnight and installed an esy (temporarily)
I hope you enjoy this video and the many more to come, as I improve my video & editing skill for a big 2022!
Coming Soon..
Camper Van Refurbish – How to insulate a pop-top camper.
BG101 – 101 ways to use black garlic in 101 days!!
FBF3 – How to feel better faster (3 weeks or less). Ways to reduce inflammation and increase comfort and quality of life…